How to Stop Roaches from Coming Up the Drain

The appliances in our home serve a simple yet primary and important purpose. The refrigerator, for example, keeps our food and beverages fresh enough to be consumed later. The laundry machine works to keep the clothes we wear each day clean and soft. When it comes to your sink, this appliance serves many unique functions.

From washing the foods above to sanitizing our hands, keeping them in good condition is crucial. Unfortunately, while keeping it in a good state is easy, the sink’s back end may be worse for wear. Case in point, it becomes a sticky situation when roaches start climbing out of the sink drain.

Use the following to stop those pesky critters in their tracks.

1. Stay Calm

It is quite an unsettling sight to see roaches manifesting out of your sink. After all, these insects are challenging to contend with and can outlast even the most excruciating climates. Once you take stock of them entering your home through the drain, remain calm. Don’t try to get rid of them at the expense of damaging nearby bathroom or kitchen items. You may need to consider pest control.

If they are directly in your view, turn on the hot water part of your sink. This will eventually catch and kill them outright, should they get caught in the liquid spurting out. After you can finish them off, you can then begin to think about your approach. Preventative measures like pest control are always useful, but if you can stay composed, you will be okay!

2. Entry Points

Sometimes, roaches and other insects have a knack for entering your home via gaps. These gaps can have vulnerabilities, whether through your wall or appliance infrastructure. Or, through another open spot in your home, roaches will enter them and maneuver around. They need this to make their mark and get into the smaller parts of your sink drain.

How, then, do you get around this potential predicament? You will have to seal off any gaps in your home. Conduct a full audit inside your home, and look for any areas open to exposure. Use a proper sealing product, like a caulking gun, to eliminate these structural weaknesses, and you will then be set.

3. Leaking Pipes

The primary infrastructure you will be contending with here is your sink’s pipes. Look under your sink, and look for anything that seems unusual. Generally speaking, roaches should not be able to come out of your drain if it is not problematic. However, If it is, it will be because your pipes are exposed somehow.

An exposed pipe usually means that it has been leaking in some fashion. Roaches use this as an entry point if they are on the ground level. They will then climb up the leaking pipes and, more often than not, come out via your sink drain. Get your sink’s pipes repaired as fast as possible to prevent more pesky critters from coming out.

4. Plumbing Solution

Your sink’s drain can often be solved by yourself should you have compounding issues. When it comes to roaches, there are some approaches you can use to get rid of them. Unfortunately, the more complicated ones related to the sink’s infrastructure will require a professional.

Case in point, it is in your best interest to call in a reputable plumber to take a look for you. When it comes to stopping insects from coming out of your drain, they are the ones you need to speak with. Once they diagnose the issue residing in your sink’s drain, roaches will cease to be an issue. Make contact with a few plumbing businesses and inquire about their services!

5. Open Food Sources

Roaches may be drawn to open food sources inside your home’s rooms. They will use incredible perseverance to get to them, including your sink drain.

To prevent unwanted mess from occurring, it is in your best interest to seal off your food. Or, place them in storage containers and keep things in their intended space for safekeeping.

6. Bug Spray

You may feel that using bug spray that removes roaches may be an ideal tactic. However, spraying this product down your sink’s drain is counterproductive. First, this can eventually contaminate wastewater that flows through treatment facility systems.

Any pesticides used in your sink’s drain area are not recommended. Therefore, be sure to only use safe methods of preventing roaches from getting out of your drain. Once you are clear and every weakness has been rectified, roaches will be a thing of the past!